Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Midterm Cheat Sheet

How are your midterms going?
I'm sure that you are not very excited that as we approach the middle of the semester, midterm is a word we, as college students, learn to despise.
Thus, I would like to offer a bit of a reprieve for you during this time of stress.
Here is a "cheat sheet" to hopefully make you successful.
1. Breath.
2. Sleep.
3. Ask questions.
4. GO in and see your professors to make sure that not only do you have a good grasp on the material, but that they KNOW who you are.
5. Schedule study groups.
6. Eat.
7. Stay sane and don't take out your frustrations on unexpecting/undeserving suspects.
Do you have any advice that helps you to be less stressed during midterms?


  1. It helps me to have a checklist of things that need to be done. I helps me stay organized, and this checklist is especially important because it will help me do well.

  2. I definitely agree. It helps me to take breaks from studying so I do not cram all of the info. at once.

  3. I take a hot bath before studying so that I am relaxed and not focused on anything else before going to study. Also making a list of what to study and the more that gets crossed off the more you feel you are getting accomplished and you are almost there.

  4. this basically tells me not to freak out as so much of it seems like stuff I would do if I didn't have a test.
